Szaniszló Bérczi

associate professor

PhD (Hungarian Academy of Science, 1995)

Department of Materials Physics

Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 4.93
Phone(s): +36-36-372-2986
Extension(s): n.a.
Mobile(s): n.a.
Homepage: www.planetology
Email: uh.etle.raseac@inazsizcreb


Curriculum vitae for Szaniszló BÉRCZI

Curriculum Vitae - (Szaniszló Bérczi, Ph.D, associate professor, retired)

Personal informations:
Date and place of birth: 27th August, 1950. Szeged (Hungary)
Home address: H-1072 Budapest, Király u. 53. Hungary
Office address: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter s. 1/a. Hungary
Tel: +36-1-372-2986, Fax:: +36-1-372-2503.
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics

Date Institution Degree, Topic

1969-1975 József A. Univ. Szeged, and
Eötvös L. Univ. Budapest: M.Sc. Physics and Astronomy
1986-1988 Eötvös L. Univ. Budapest: Dr. Univ. Mathematics, Techn. systems
1992-1995 Hung. Academy of Science: Ph.D. Earth Sciences (Planetary Science)

Working places: all of them are at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Budapest, Hungary:

Date Department Position

1975-1978 Dept. Astronomy junior assistant res. fellow
1978-1979 Dept. Petrology, Geochemistry, prof.'s assistant
1979-1988 Dept. Technology prof.'s assistant
1988-1993 Dept. Technology assistant professor
1994-1995 Dept. Astronomy assistant professor
1996-1997 Dept. Petrology, + Dean's Office, assistant professor
1998-1999 Dept. Technology associate professor
2000-2006 Dept. General Physics associate professor
2006-2013 Dept. Materials Physics associate professor
2013, May 1. Dept. Materials Physics retired associate professor, voluntary teaching

Main publications: Main book: From Crystals to Planetary Bodies, Hungarian Academic Press, 1991.
Lecture Note Series on universities (4 books: Planetology, 1978., Materials systems, 1985., Symmetry and Structure building, 1990., Technologies, 1992.,) Summary: ca. 700 publications (85 in peer referred journals, ca. 50 books, book chapters, booklets, or volume editings, 4 films, 350 conference papers, etc.)

Lecturing: Systems of Materials and Technologies,
Planetology and Cosmopetrography,
Symmetry and Cellular Automata,
Meteorites and Lunar Samples (special course)
Studies on Planetary Environments by Space Probe Model Hunveyor Experiments
Eurasian ethomathematics in ornamental arts

Actual research field: thermal history of planetary bodies through the studies of their fragments as meteorites and other space reasearch samples (like NASA lunar samples, Antarctic meteorites, etc.).
Comparative study of planetary material forming processes and industrial producing technologies. Construction of educational space probe models Hunveyor and Husar, and field works with the space probe models on planetary analog geological regions. Eurasian Ethnomathematics. Evolution of concepts and evolution of languages, especially Hungarian language.

Membership: Hungarian Academy of Science: Geonomy Scientific Committee (since 1986), Matter Evolution Subcommittee (since 1989), Planetology Subcommittee (chairman, bw. 2002-2011), Astronomy and Space Physics Committee (bw. 2005-2008), Hungarian Astronautical Society (since 1975). Organizer of the Cosmic Materials Space Research Group (Hungarian Space Office science team, since 1993).

Budapest, 2019, October 22.

Links to associated scientific database profiles:

Selected publications of recent years:

  1. Bérczi Sz. (2018): A kondritos meteoritek fejlődéstörténete a szülő égitesten. The evolution of the chondritic meteorites on their parent body.) In: Átfogó kutatások a kabai meteoriton (Comprehensive Research on Kaba Meteorite). Szerk.: Nagy M., Rózsa P., McIntosh R. W. Acta Geoscientia Debrecina, Special Issue 1., p. 31-53. Debrecen University Press.
  2. Márta Polgári, Szaniszló Bérczi, Kazuho Horiuchi, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Tibor Kovács, Sándor Józsa, Zsolt Bendő, Krisztián Fintor, József Fekete, Zoltán Homonnay, Ernő Kuzmann, Arnold Gucsik, Ildikó Gyollai, János Kovács, István Dódony (2016): Characterization and 10Be content of iron carbonate concretions for genetic aspects - Weathering, desert varnish or burning: Rim effects in iron carbonate concretions. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 173 (2017) pp. 58-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.11.005
  3. I. Gyollai, M. Polgári, Sz. Bérczi, A. Gucsik, E. Pál-Molnár (2019): Mineralized biosignatures in ALH-77005 Shergottite - Clues to Martian Life? Open Astronomy Open Astronomy (de Gruyter) Vol. 28. Iss. 1. pp. 32- 39. DOI 10.1515/astro-2019-0002
  4. Bérczi, Sz. (2019): A közlés hangzó formájának evolúciója a beszéd kialakulásának korai időszakában – ősfizika. Acta Historica Hungarica Turiciensia XXXIV. évf. 3. szám. 48-107. old. (A Zürichi Magyar Történelmi Egyesület 116. sz. kiadványa)
  5. M. Polgári, I. Gyollai, Sz. Bérczi, M. Veres, A. Gucsik, E. Pál-Molnár (2019): Microbial mediation of textures and minerals - terrestrial or parent body processes? Open Astronomy (de Gruyter) Vol. 28. Iss. 1. pp. 40- 60. DOI 10.1515/astro-2019-0004
  6. Bérczi Sz. (2017): A szerkezeti hierarchia és a fölépítés-lebontás (szétszedem-összerakom) elv. Fizikai Szemle. 67/1, 32-36.
  7. Bérczi Sz. (2016): Structural hierarchy. Symmetry: Culture and Science, 27. No. 1. p. 11-22.
  8. Polgári, M, Gyollai I., Bérczi Sz. (2018): Microbially mediated transformation inside the Kaba meteorite? (Mikrobiális átalakulás a Kaba meteorit belsejében.) In: Átfogó kutatások a kabai meteoriton (Comprehensive Research on Kaba Meteorite). Szerk.: Nagy M., Rózsa P., McIntosh R. W. Acta Geoscientia Debrecina, Special Issue 1., p. 55-69. Debrecen University Press.
  9. Bérczi Sz. (2019): Szótár magányos mássalhangzókból. In: Körösi Csoma Sándor. Tegnapi és mai magyarság. Szerk: Ferenczné Szőcs Éva, Gazda J. 188-223. old. Körösi Csoma Sándor Közművelődési Egyesület, Kovászna.
  10. Gyollai I., Bérczi Sz., Polgári M. (2019): Comparison of research methods and interpretation of ALH-84001 (McKay et al. 1996, Science and studies based on Science publication by Thomas-Keprta et al. 2000 GCA, Thomas-Keprta et al. 2001 PNAS) and ALH-77005 (Gyollai et al. 2019 Open Astronomy). Open Astronomy 28, No. 1. pp. 95-97
