György Bérces

ret. assisstant professor

Anyagfizikai Tanszék

Szoba: Északi tömb 4.75
Telefon: n.a.
Mellék: n.a.
Mobilszám: n.a.
Honlap: n.a.
Emailcím: n.a.


Physics Education: Experiment demonstrations in physics. Computers and Internet in physics education. Nonlinear phenomena. Optimum-problems in physics. Experimental and theoretical problems for physics competitions. Distance education.

Materials Science: Point defects and their interactions. Vacancy-solute atom complexes. Kinematic and dynamic characterization of (PLC) plastic instabilities. Computer modelling and simulation. Diffusion in metals and alloys. Thermal properties of small defect clusters.

Teaching, lectures: Mechanics (for physicist, MSc, BSc). Classical Physics for Students Majoring in Information Technology and Bionics (BSc). Methodology of Demonstration Experiments (MSc). Teaching Didactics in Problems Solving for High School Physics (MSc). Computers and Internet in Physics (MSc, for PhD students). Classical Problems in Mechanics. Talent development. Teacher training. Math: Calculus, Linear Algebra. Author, co-author, of ten university textbooks, lecture notes.

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