Quang Chinh Nguyen

full professor
PhD (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1994)
Habilitation (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2016)
Doctor of HAS (2016)
Department of Materials Physics
Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 4.67Phone(s): n.a.
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6435
Mobile(s): +36-20-588-6081
Homepage: metal.elte.hu
Email: uh.etle.raseac@hnihcqn ,uh.etle.latem@hnihc
Birth place and date: Hanoi-Vietnam, 15 April 1961.Main points of the career:
Workplaces and positions: Since 1985, only at Eötvös Loránd University,
Department of Material Physics (former General Physics)
1985-1987: doctoral fellow
1988-1992: assistant
1992-1995: assistant professor
1995-2018: associate professor
from 2018: full professor
Education and degrees:
Diploma: ELTE, TTK, physics, excellent (1985)
University doctoral degree: ELTE, TTK, physics, „summa cum laude” (1987)
C.Sc.: HAS (1994)
Habilitation: ELTE, TTK, 2016
D.Sc.: HAS (2016)
Knowledge of languages: English: medium, Vietnamese: mother tongue
Research tropics: Plastic behavior and strengthening mechanisms of metallic alloys
Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of nanocrystalline materials
Development of the depth sensing indentation method
Awards: OTDK 1. prize (1985, as TDK student)
Bolyai János fellowship (HAS, 1998-2001)
JSPS fellowship (Japan, 2002)
Széchenyi István fellowship (Ministry of Edu. 2002-2005)
HAESF fellowship (USA, 2007)
Project activities: PI of 2 OTKA projects and member of 8 other OTKA projects
Currently PI of a Hungarian-Russian TÉT project (No: 2017-2.3.4-TÉT-RU-2017-00005,
from Marc 2018 to December 2020 with budget of 42.779.020 HFt)
Scientific accomplishments:
Number of publications: 130
Cumulative impact factor of the publications: 150
Number of independent citation to the publications: 1750
Hirsch-index calculated from the total/independent citations: 27/23
Links to associated scientific database profiles:
- Publications in MTMT
- Publications in ORCID
- Publications in ResearcherID
- Publications in Scopus
- Publications in Google Scholar
- User profile at doktori.hu
Selected publications of recent years:
- N.Q. Chinh, Gy. Sáfrán: High strength of ultrafine-grained Al–Mg films and the relevance of the modified Hall–Petch-type relationship, MRS COMMUNICATIONS 9 : 3 pp. 1111-1114. , 4 p. (2019)
- N.Q. Chinh, G. Rácz, J. Gubicza, R.Z. Valiev, T.G. Langdon: A possible stabilizing effect of work hardening on the tensile performance of superplastic materials, MSEA 759 pp. 448-454. , 7 p. (2019)
- N.Q. Chinh, P. Szommer, J. Gubicza, M. El-Tahawy, E.V. Bobruk, M.Y. Murashkin, R.Z. Valiev: REVIEW on Characterizing Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Al–Zn Alloys Processed by High-Pressure Torsion, ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS Paper: 1900672 (2019), link
- R.Z. Valiev, V.U. Kazykhanov, A.M. Mavlyutov, A.A. Yudakhina, N.Q. Chinh, M.Y. Murashkin, ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS Paper: 1900555 (2019), link
- N.Q. Chinh, T. Csanádi, J. Gubicza, R.Z. Valiev: Correlation between strain-rate sensitivity and viscous properties derived from dynamic nanoindentation of ultrafine-grained Al–Zn alloys, MRS COMMUNICATIONS 9 : 01 pp. 310-314. , 5 p. (2018)
- N.Q. Chinh, P. Jenei, J. Gubicza, E.V. Bobruk, R.Z. Valiev, T.G. Langdon: Influence of Zn content on the microstructure and mechanical performance of ultrafine-grained Al-Zn alloys processed by high-pressure torsion, MATERIALS LETTERS 186 pp. 334-337. , 4 p. (2017)
- T. Csanádi, P. Szommer, N.Q. Chinh, S. Grasso, J. Dusza, M. Reece: Plasticity in ZrB2 micropillars induced by anomalous slip activation
- T. Csanádi, M. Bl'Anda, N.Q. Chinh, P. Hvizdoš, J. Dusza: Orientation-dependent hardness and nanoindentation-induced deformation mechanisms of WC crystals, ACTA MATERIALIA 83 pp. 397-407. , 11 p. (2015)
- N.Q.Chinh, R.Z. Valiev, X. Sauvage, G. Varga, K. Havancsak, M. Kawasaki, B.B. Straumal, T.G. Langdon: Grain Boundary Phenomena in an Ultrafine-Grained Al-Zn Alloy with Improved Mechanical Behavior for Micro-Devices, ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 16 : 8 pp. 1000-1009. , 10 p. (2014)
- N.Q. Chinh, P. Szommer: Mathematical description of indentation creep and its application for the determination of strain rate sensitivity, MSEA 611 pp. 333-336. , 4 p. (2014)