Gabriella Dr. Huhn

research fellow


Room(s): n.a.
Phone(s): +36-20-467-8035
Extension(s): n.a.
Mobile(s): n.a.
Homepage: n.a.
Email: moc.liamg@ensardnanhuh


1. Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Sciences, Department of Solid State
Physics, Budapest
Demonstrator, 1993-2010
2. ELTE, Faculty of Secondary School Teachers' Training, Department of Physics
Assistant professor, 1986-1992
3. Juhász Gyula Faculty of Secondary School Teachers' Training, Department of Physics,
Assistant professor, 1974-1986
4. Biology Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Biophysics, Szeged
Research assistant, 1971-1973

Links to associated scientific database profiles:

Selected publications of recent years:

Dr. Huhn Gabriella

tudományos munkatárs


Szoba: n.a.
Telefon: +36-20-467-8035
Mellék: n.a.
Mobilszám: n.a.
Honlap: n.a.
Emailcím: moc.liamg@ensardnanhuh


1. Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Sciences, Department of Solid State
Physics, Budapest
Demonstrator, 1993-2010
2. ELTE, Faculty of Secondary School Teachers' Training, Department of Physics
Assistant professor, 1986-1992
3. Juhász Gyula Faculty of Secondary School Teachers' Training, Department of Physics,
Assistant professor, 1974-1986
4. Biology Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Biophysics, Szeged
Research assistant, 1971-1973

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