Gábor Széchenyi

assistant professor

PhD (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2017)

Department of Materials Physics

Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 5.72
Phone(s): n.a.
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6509
Mobile(s): n.a.
Homepage: szecska.web.elte.hu
Email: uh.etle.raseac@akscezs


Research interests:
optical properties of graphene like systems
quantum bits in solid states (carbon nanotubes and silicon-based materials)
topological materials

Research group
2017- EQUUS Eötvös Quantum Transport Group membership

Teaching experience:
2011- : Electromagnetism tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2013- : Solid-state physics tutorial, (Physics M.Sc.)
2014- : Optics tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2015- : Solid-state physics course (Materials Science M.Sc.)
2015-2017: Mechanics tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2016- : Thermodynamics tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2017-2018: Physics II. tutorial (Earth Sciences B.Sc.)

Identifying and developing talents in physics:
2016-2019: Preparing students for (International Young Physicists’ Tournament) IYPT
2017: Leading training camp for the International Physics Olympiad IPhO

Links to associated scientific database profiles:

Selected publications of recent years:

  1. G. Széchenyi, L. Chirolli, A. Pályi, Impurity-assisted electric control of spin-valley qubits in monolayer MoS2, 2D Mater. 5, 035004 (2018)
  2. G. Szechenyi and A. Palyi, Maximal Rabi frequency of an electrically driven spin in a disordered magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 89, 115409 (2014)
  3. G. Szechenyi, M. Vigh, A. Kormanyos, J. Cserti, Transfer matrix approach for the Kerr and Faraday rotation in layered nanostructures, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Volume 28, Number 37 (2016)
  4. P. Boross, G. Szechenyi, D. Culcer and A. Palyi, Control of valley dynamics in silicon quantum dots in the presence of an interface step, Phys. Rev. B 94, 035438 (2016)
