Balázs Pósfai (ELRN Institute of Experimental Medicine)

Balázs Pósfai (ELRN Institute of Experimental Medicine)

02. December 2021. 15:00 - 16:00

Pócza Jenő Classroom, Physics Building 1.71, Teams online


2021. December 02. 15:00 - 16:00

Pócza Jenő Classroom, Physics Building 1.71, Teams online

Microglia, housekeepers of the brain

Abstract: Microglia represent a unique cell type in the central nervous system. Contrary to other cells in the brain, they are able to relocate themselves, possess rapidly moving thin processes and therefore have an ever-changing morphology. In recent years, it turned out that not only are these cells the main immune mediators of the brain, but they also have essential functions in maintaining brain physiology and influence neuronal functions. In this talk I will introduce these cells and show the audience, why microglia might be the key in fighting neurological diseases.

About the lecturer: