Tamás Kolonits

Tamás Kolonits

PhD student

Supervisor: Gubicza Jenő, (2020)

Department of Materials Physics

Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 4.81
Phone(s): n.a.
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6406
Mobile(s): n.a.
Homepage: www.energia.mta.hu
Email: uh.etle.ktt@stinolok.samat


1) Short research interest:
a) electrodeposition of nanocrystalline metals and high entropy alloys (HEA)
b) strucural caracterization by
- X-ray diffraction line profile analysis (XRD-LPA),
- transminnion electron microscopy (TEM),
- scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
2) Teaching:
a) statistic
b) scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Links to associated scientific database profiles:

Selected publications of recent years:

  1. Kolonits, T.; Czigány, Z.; Péter, L.; Bakonyi, I.; Gubicza, J. Influence of Bath Additives on the Thermal Stability of the Nanostructure and Hardness of Ni Films Processed by Electrodeposition. Coatings 2019, 9, 644. link
  2. I. Bakonyi, V.A. Isnaini, T. Kolonits, Zs. Czigány, J. Gubicza, L.K. Varga, E. Tóth-Kádár, L. Pogány, L. Péter, H. Ebert (2019). The specific grain-boundary electrical resistivity of Ni. Philosophical Magazine, 99, 1139-1162. link
  3. G. Gyulai, F.Ouanzi, I. Bertóti, M. Mohai, T. Kolonits, K. Horváti, Sz. Bősze (2019). Chemical structure and in vitro cellular uptake of luminescent carbon quantum dots prepared by solvothermal and microwave assisted techniques. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 549, 150-161. link
  4. Kolonits, T., Jenei, P., Péter, L., Bakonyi, I., Czigány, Z., & Gubicza, J. (2018). Effect of bath additives on the microstructure, lattice defect density and hardness of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 349, 611-621. link
  5. Kolonits, T., Jenei, P., Toth, B. G., Czigány, Z., Gubicza, J., Péter, L., & Bakonyi, I. (2016). Characterization of defect structure in electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni films. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163(3), D107-D114. link
