Ádám Kiss
professor emeritus
PhD (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1970)
Doctor of HAS (1989)
Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 4.117
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6312
Email: uh.etle.raseac@madassik
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6312
Email: uh.etle.raseac@madassik
CURRICULUM VITAE OF ÁDÁM KISSBorn: Budapest/Hungary, 1942; Two daughters, two grandchildren
1960: General Certificate of Education,
1960-65: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, student of Physics,
1965: Master of Science in Physics,
Since 1965: Department of Atomic Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest, since 1990: full professor,
1970: Ph.D. in nuclear physics, 1976: Candidate of Phys. Scien., 1989: Doctor of Phys. Sciences (DSc)
1971-72: Fellowship of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Germany,
1975-76: Visiting scientist, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Germany,
1982-2011: Eötvös University ─ National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory/Michigan State University (US) collaboration in Nuclear Physics supported by National Science Foundation and by Hungarian Academy of Sciences, head of the Hungarian group,
1990-1997: Dean of the Faculty of Science of Eötvös Loránd University/Budapest,
1991-96: Chairman of the National Committee for the Qualification Requirements in Sciences,
1992-96 and 2000-2009: Chairman of the National Expert Committee of the National Project for the Final Deposal of Low and Intermediate Activity Radioactive Waste,
1996-1999: founder Chairman of the Board of the Hungarian Tempus Public Foundation,
1997-2012: head of the Center for Environmental Sciences, Eötvös University, responsible for the environmental education at the university, i.e. for all training courses and course developments,
1998-2001: member of the Board of the Hungarian Academy of Science,
1997- 1998 and 2003-2007: head of the Department of Atomic Physics at Eötvös University/Budapest,
1998-2002: Deputy State Secretary for Higher Education and Science, Ministry of Education,
2005-2009: chairman of the Association of Professors of Physics at Eötvös University,
2006-2011: chairman of Committee on Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Science,
2006-2012: founder head of the Doctoral School in Environmental Sciences of Eötvös University,
2009-13: president of BEAC, (Budapest University Athletic Club — Sport club of Eötvös University),
since 2010: chairman of the External Advisory Council of the Institute for Nuclear Research/Debrecen,
since 2010: chairman of the Scientific Board of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority,
2011-18: member of the Board of Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee,
2012-15: chairman of the Association of Professors of Faculty of Science,
since 2011: chairman of the Board of Trusties of Budapest Science Foundation,
since 2012: president of the Hungarian University Sports Federation, reelected in 2016.
1974: Gyulai Zoltán-prize of the Eötvös Loránd Physical Society
1989: Prize in Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Science,
1999: Honoris Causa Pro Scientia Gold Medal of the National Scientific Student Committee,
2005: Simonyi Károly-prize,
2012: Officer Cross of Hungarian Order,
2012: Professor Emeritus of Eötvös University,
2013: Gold Medallion of Eötvös Loránd University,
2017: Doctor Honoris Causa of University of Physical Education, Budapest,
2017: Fair Play Diploma of the Fair Play Board of the Hungarian Olympic Committee,
2018: Plaque of Merit of the Polish University Sports Association.
Research Experience: Low and intermediate energy nuclear physics, fast neutron spectroscopy, optical model, coupled-channel calculations, inelastic scattering of light particles, on-line measuring techniques, intermediate energy heavy-ion physics, radioactive beams, neutron emission from hot nuclear matter. Environmental physics: radioactivity in environment, energy supply of human societies, nuclear energy, deposit of radioactive waste, ionizing radiations.
Teaching activities (since 1965): Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Energetics, (lecture courses and laboratory practice for students of Physics), Environmental Physics, Applied Nuclear Physics, Energy and Environment (lecture courses and laboratory practice for students of Environmental Studies).
Languages: English and German (in both languages on the highest level).
Links to associated scientific database profiles:
- Publications in Scopus
Selected publications of recent years:
- Kiss Ádám, Szabó Mária Élhető marad-e az emberi környezet? FIZIKAI SZEMLE 67:(7-8) pp. 219-227. (2017)
- Adare A, Aidala C, Csanad M, Csorgo T, David G, Kiss A, Nagy MI, Sziklai J, Vertesi R, Zhou S Measurement of Long-Range Angular Correlation and Quadrupole Anisotropy of Pions and (Anti) Protons in Central d plus Au Collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 114:(19) Paper 192301. 8 p. (2015)
- Szabó M, Kiss A Effects of renewable energy resources on the landscape HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) 63:(1) pp. 5-16. (2014)
- Vajta Z, Dombradi Z, Elekes Z, Aiba T, Aoi N, Baba H, Bemmerer D, Fulop Z, Iwasa N, Kiss A, Kobayashi T, Kondo Y, Motobayashi T, Nakabayashi T, Nannichi T, Sakurai H, Sohler D, Takeuchi S, Tanaka K, Togano Y, Yamada K, Yamaguchi M, Yoneda K, γ-ray spectroscopy of C19 via the single-neutron knock-out reaction, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 91:(6) Paper 064315. 4 p. (2015)
- Kiss A A comparative analysis of environmental impacts of non-fossil energy production methods In: Fulop Z, Armaroli N, McEvoy A, Kroo N, Ongena J, Sarkadi L (szerk.) 3rd European Energy Conference, E2C 2013. 148 p. Konferencia helye, ideje: Budapest, Magyarország, 2013.10.27-2013.10.30. (79) Budapest: EDP Sciences, 2014. Paper 04001. 7 p. (EPJ Web of Conferences; 79.)
- Izsak R, Horvath A, Kiss A, Seres Z, Galonsky A, Bertulani C A, Fulop Zs, Baumann T, Bazin D, Ieki K, Bordeanu C, Carlin N, Csanad M, Deak F, DeYoung P, Frank N, Fukuchi T, Gade A, Galaviz D, Hoffman C R, Peters W A, Schelin H, Thoennessen M, Veres G I Determining the 7Li(n,gamma) cross section via Coulomb dissociation of 8Li PHYSICAL REVIEW C 88:(6) Paper 065808. 8 p. (2013)