Gergely Máthé

Gergely Máthé

PhD student (until 2023)

Supervisor: Kocsis Bence, (2023)

Department of Atomic Physics
GalNUC: Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Galactic Nuclei

Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 4.115
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6320
Email: uh.etle.raseac@ehtamylegreg


CV and research interest:
PhD student in the Particle physics and astronomy PhD program
Group member of the GalNUC, Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Galactic Nuclei
My main focus is on statistical physics approaches to model the dynamics of dens systems of astrophysical objects. Furthermore, I am interested in the understanding of statistical physics of long range interacting systems.

Major grants:

Previous positions:
-Research Assistant

-Electromagnetism practice
-Compton scattering laboratory practice

Links to associated scientific database profiles:

Selected publications of recent years: