Peter Raffai

assistant professor
PhD (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2012)
Habilitation (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2023)
Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 3.141
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6342
Email: uh.etle.ktt@iaffar.retep
Peter Raffai, PhD, Dr. habil., is an astrophysicist and assistant professor at the Department of Atomic Physics at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). He began his research in gravitational-wave astrophysics in 2004 as a LIGO-SURF fellow at the California Institute of Technology. He is a member and co-founder of ELTE’s gravitational-wave astrophysics research group, established in 2007, which has been a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) since its establishment. From 2011 to 2013, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University in the City of New York.
His research focuses on the cosmological interpretation of gravitational-wave detections made by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detector network, as well as the development and testing of cosmological models. At Eötvös Loránd University, he teaches astrophysics, gravitational-wave astrophysics, and cosmology. Through his university lectures and public presentations, he plays an active role in LSC's educational, science communication, and outreach efforts. He is also dedicated to strengthening gravitational-wave astrophysics and cosmological research in Hungary through educating and mentoring the next generation of researchers.
Links to associated scientific database profiles:
- Publications in MTMT
- Publications in ORCID
- Publications in ResearcherID
- Publications in Scopus
- Publications in Google Scholar
- Publications in
- User profile at
Selected publications of recent years:
- Raffai, P., Pálfi, M., Dálya, G., and Gray, R.; "Constraints on coasting cosmological models from gravitational-wave standard sirens", The Astrophysical Journal 961, 1, 17, pp. 26 (2024)
- Gair, J. R., ..., Raffai, P., et al.; "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Catalog Approach for Dark Siren Gravitational-wave Cosmology", The Astronomical Journal 166, 1, 22, pp. 15 (2023)
- Abbott, R., ..., Raffai, P., et al.; “Constraints on the Cosmic Expansion History from GWTC-3”, The Astrophysical Journal 949, 2, 76, pp. 37 (2023)
- Dálya, G., Díaz, R., Bouchet, F. R., Frei, Z., Jasche, J., Lavaux, G., Macas, R., Mukherjee, S., Pálfi, M., de Souza, R. S., Wandelt, B. D., Bilicki, M., and Raffai, P.; "GLADE+: an extended galaxy catalogue for multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 1, pp. 1403 (2022)
- Abbott, B. P., ..., Raffai, P., et al.; “A Gravitational-wave Measurement of the Hubble Constant Following the Second Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo”, The Astrophysical Journal 909, 2, id. 218 (2021)