László Szigeti

research fellow

PhD (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2023)

MTA-ELTE Lendület "Momentum" Milky Way Research Group
Gothard Astrophysical Observatory and Multidisciplinary Research Centre, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE GAO MKK, Szombathely)

Phone(s): +36-94-522-870
Email: uh.etle.ffats@calizs

Biography: Since 2016 I have been working at the ELTE Gothard Observatory. I received my PhD degree in 2023 from ELTE. My primary work has been in the SDSS sky survey program and within that the APOGEE spectroscopy program. I have investigated the effect of internal mixing processes on the variation of the carbon isotope ratio and performed kinetic analyses of several globular clusters. In addition, I have worked with HPC systems and am currently developing a software package in the LSST HUN-KON in-kind cotribution.

Links to associated scientific database profiles:

  • Publications in MTMT
  • Publications in ORCID

Selected publications of recent years:

  1. Szigeti L., Mészáros, S., et al., 2018, MNRAS, 474, 4810
  2. Szigeti, L., Mészáros, S., Szabó, G. M., et al. 2021, MNRAS, 504, 1144
  3. Blanton, M. R., Bershady, M. A., Abolfathi, B., et al. 2017, AJ, 154, 28
  4. Abolfathi, B., Aguado, D. S., Aguilar, G., et al. 2018, ApJS, 235, 42, DOI
  5. Mészáros, S., García-Hernández, D. A., Cassisi, S., et al. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 1633
  6. Szabó, G. M., Pál, A., Szigeti, L., et al. 2022, A&A, 661, A48
  7. Mészáros. S. et al., 2020, MNRAS, 492, 1641
  8. Mészáros, S., Masseron, T., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., et al. 2021, MNRAS, 505, 1645