János Koltai

associate professor
PhD (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2005)
Habilitation (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2024)
Department of Biological Physics
Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 3.80Phone(s): +36-1-372-2763
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6363
Homepage: koltai.web.elte.hu
Email: uh.etle.ktt@iatlok.sonaj
Main research interests- transport properties of mesoscopic systems, metal-, superconductor- and ferromagnetic hybrid systems, spectra of Andreev billiards
- DFT and Huckel calculations on carbon based nanosctructures (graphene, nanotubes, fullerene-cubance co-crystals, etc)
- Raman spectra simulation of novel two dimensional materials (silicene, germanene, MoS2, BiTeI, etc)
Links to associated scientific database profiles:
- Publications in MTMT
- Publications in ORCID
- Publications in ResearcherID
- Publications in Scopus
- Publications in Google Scholar
- User profile at doktori.hu
Selected publications of recent years:
- Signature of pressure-induced topological phase transition in ZrTe5; npj Quantum Materials 9, 76 (2024). DOI
- Surface magnon spectra of nodal loop semimetals; Physical Review B 109, 035161 (2024). DOI
- Observation of competing, correlated ground states in the flat band of rhombohedral graphite; Science Advances 8, eabo6879 (2022). DOI
- Activation of Raman modes in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides through strong interaction with gold; Physical Review B 105, 195413 (2022). DOI
- Signature of Large-Gap Quantum Spin Hall State in the Layered Mineral Jacutingaite; Nano Lett. 20 5207-5213 (2020). DOI