Péter Pollner

senior research fellow
PhD (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001)
Department of Biological Physics
MTA-ELTE Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group
Phone(s): +36-36-372-2768
Extension(s): +36-1-372-2500 / 6368
Homepage: hal.elte.hu
Email: uh.etle.legna@renllop
2001: fellow at CNL, ELTE, Budapest
2001-2004: Postdoctoral fellow at Dept. of Physics of Complex Systems, ELTE, Budapest
2004-: Research Fellow at Stat. and Biol. Phys. Res. Grp. of the HAS
Research activity
Network theory
Nonlinear dynamics
Teaching activity
- Courses
Linear Algebra (2000-2014)
Clustering with networks (2008-)
Probability theory (1996-2004, 2014-)
Theoretical physics (mechanics) (1996-2004)
Theoretical physics (hydrodynamics) (1996-2004)
Computer science (in german) (1996-2004)
Molecular physics (1996-2004)
- Supervised student projects
Orosz Katalin Phd thesis (2009-)
Vassy Zsolt Master thesis (mashine learning: grammar and synonyms from texts, 2009)
Molnar Maria Master thesis (human dynamics during translation process, 2007)
Hettinger Tamás TDK (computer program networks, 2004)
Pápai Péter summer work(2004)
Hochsteiger Ákos Master thesis(semiclassical methods, billiards, 2003, with T. Geszti)
Nagy Zoltán Csaba, Oroszlány László TDK (with J. Cserti and T. Tasnádi, 2002)
Links to associated scientific database profiles:
- Publications in MTMT
- Publications in ORCID
- Publications in ResearcherID
- Publications in Scopus
- Publications in Google Scholar
- User profile at doktori.hu
Selected publications of recent years:
- Czegel D, Balogh SG, Pollner P, Palla G Phase space volume scaling of generalized entropies and anomalous diffusion scaling governed by corresponding non-linear Fokker-Planck equations SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8: Paper 1883. 8 p. (2018) DOI
- Czigleczki G, Mezei T, Pollner P, Horvath A, Banczerowski P Prognostic factors of surgical complications and overall survival of patients with metastatic spinal tumor WORLD NEUROSURGERY 113: pp. e20-e28. (2018) DOI
- Gergely Palla, Nóra Páll, Anna Horváth, Katalin Molnár, Bálint Tóth, Tamás Kováts, György Surján, Tamás Vicsek, Péter Pollner Complex clinical pathways of an autoimmune disease JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS 6:(2) pp. 206-214. (2018) DOI
- Ribli D, Horvath A, Unger Z, Pollner P, Csabai I Detecting and classifying lesions in mammograms with Deep Learning. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8:(1) Paper 7. (2018) DOI