Tamás Vicsek

professor emeritus
PhD (Lajos Kosuth University, Debrecen, 1975)
Full member of HAS (2001)
Department of Biological Physics
Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 3.75Phone(s): +36-1-372-2755
Homepage: hal.elte.hu
Email: uh.etle.raseac@kesciv
2018 -present Professor emeritus (Physics), Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös University, Hungary
2005 - 2018, Professor of Physics, Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös University, Hungary
2003 - 2017, Head (part time), MTA-ELTE Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
2004 fall Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, USA
1999 - 2000 Senior Fellow, Collegium Budapest/Institute for Advanced Study, Hungary
1998 - 2005 Professor of Physics, Founding Head, Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös University, Hungary
1991 - 1997 Professor of Physics, (1992-96, Head), Dept. of Atomic Phys., Eötvös University, Hungary
1972 - 1989 Junior, Regular Research Associate, (1972-1983), Scientific Advisor, Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
1989 Visiting Scientist, Emory University, USA (1 year)
1988 Visiting Scientist, Yale University, New Haven, USA (4 months)
1986, Visiting Scientist, Emory University, Atlanta (5 months)
1983 - 1985 Visiting Scientist, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
2017 Prima Primissima Award
2015 Herman Otto interdisciplinary award
2006 Fellow of the American Physical Society
1989 - 2005 Adjunct Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Emory University, USA
2003 Leo Szilard Award, Hungary
2001 Regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
1999 Szechenyi Award, Hungary
1998 Szechenyi Professor (fellowship)
1997 Andras Fay Award, National Organization of Research Students, Hungary
1995 Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1995 Member of the Academia Europaea
1990 Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1986 Novobátzky Award of the Hungarian Physical Society, Hungary
1981, British Council scholarship, King's College, Physics, UK (5 months)
1981 - 1989 Postdocs: 1, PhD: 1, MSc:4, Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary,1991 - 1997 Postdocs: 1, PhD: 3, MSc: 3, Department of Atomic Physics, Eötvös University, Hungary, 2000 - 2014 Postdocs: 6, PhD: 12, MSc: 11, Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös University, Hungary
1992 - Professor – Course on Fractals, Department of Atomic (and later Biological) Physics, Eötvös University, Hungary (based on my book Fractal Growth Phenomena)
2001 - Professor – Course on Statistical Physics of Biological Systems, Department of Biological Phys., Eötvös Univ., Hungary (based on my edited book Scaling and Fluctuations in Biology)
2004 fall Visiting Professor - Statistical Physics of Biological Systems, Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, USA Lectures at numerous summer schools on Fractals, Complex Systems, Networks and Biological Physics
Percolation theory, Monte Carlo simulation of cluster models, fractal growth, pattern formation (computer and laboratory experiments), experiments on and simulations of granular flows, Recent: fluctuations, pattern formation and collective phenomena in biological systems (bacterial colony growth, cell locomotion in cultures, pedestrian traffic, complex networks, group motion of organisms and flying robots )
- Over 120 invited (mostly plenary) talks at major international conferences, workshops and schools
- 6 books (2 monographS, 4 edited), over 240 papers in international journals, independent citations over 28000, (MTMT), H index:63 (MTMT)
- Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.hu/citations?user=s8jTkkAAAAAJ&hl=en (most cited scientist for collective behaviour)
Detailed reviews on some of the results reported in the above papers appeared in the following (and many further) journals/newspapers/other media: Science, Nature, New York Times, New Scientist, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Christian Science Monitor, Scientific American, Int. Herald Tribune, Die Welt, El Pais, NBC, BBC, CNN, Dutch Nat. Tel., MTV, Belgian TV, Discovery Canada, Spectrum Hungary,etc.
Links to associated scientific database profiles:
- Publications in MTMT
- Publications in ORCID
- Publications in ResearcherID
- Publications in Scopus
- Publications in Google Scholar
- Publications in www.researchgate.net
- User profile at doktori.hu
Selected publications of recent years:
- A. Zafeiris and T. Vicsek "Why we live in hierarchies? A quantitative treatise" (Springer, Berlin, ISBN:978-3-319-70483-8) 2018 CrossLink
- G. Vasarhelyi, Cs. Viragh, G. Somorjai, T. Nepusz, A. E. Eiben T. Vicsek: "Optimized flocking of autonomous drones in confined environments". Science Robotics 3(20) pp. eaat3536, (2018).
- Michael Smutny, Zsuzsa Akos, Silvia Grigolon, Shayan Shamipour, Verena Ruprecht, Daniel Capek, Martin Behrndt, Ekaterina Papusheva, Masazumi Tada, Bjoern Hof, Tamás Vicsek, Guillaume Salbreux and Carl-Philipp Heisenberg : "Friction forces position the neural anlage". Nature Cell Biology 19() pp. 306-317, (2017).
- Milán Janosov, Gábor Vásárhelyi, Csaba Virágh and Tamás Vicsek : "Group chasing tactics: how to catch a faster prey". New Journal of Physics 19() pp. 053003, (2017).
- Benjamin Pettit, Zsuzsa Akos, Tamás Vicsek Dora Biro: "Speed Determines Leadership and Leadership Determines Learning during Pigeon Flocking". Current Biology, Cover 25(23) pp. 3132-3137, (2015). CrossLink
- Maryam Zamani and Tamás Vicsek : "Glassy nature of hierarchical organizations". Scientific Reports 7(1382) pp. , (2017).