Németh Róbert

Róbert Németh

PhD student

Supervisor: József Cserti, Gábor Széchenyi, (2026)

Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Room(s): Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building 5.80
Phone(s): n.a.
Extension(s): n.a.
Mobile(s): n.a.
Homepage: n.a.
Email: uh.etle.ktt@htemen.trebor



2020–2022: M.Sc. in Physics, Eötvös Loránd University
2017–2020: B.Sc. in Physics, Eötvös Loránd University

Research interest:

condensed matter physics, two-dimensional materials, quantum information, mathematical physics

Awards and prizes:

2022: Excellent Student of the Faculty Prize, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science
2021: 1st prize at the National Scientific Students’ Association Conference (category: quantum physics and quantum information)
2019: 1st prize at the Rudolf Ortvay International Competition in Physics (category: third-grade students)
2018: 2nd prize at the Rudolf Ortvay International Competition in Physics (category: second-grade students)
2017: 3rd prize at the Eötvös Physics Competition

Grants, scholarships:

2022–present: New National Excellence Program of the Hungarian Ministry for Culture and Innovation
2021–2022: New National Excellence Program of the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and Technology
2020–2021: New National Excellence Program of the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and Technology
2018–2019: New National Excellence Program of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities


2023: Electromagnetism and optics, problem-solving lectures for BSc students
2022: Solid-state and statistical physics, problem-solving lectures for MSc students

Links to associated scientific database profiles:

Selected publications of recent years:

  1. Róbert Németh, József Cserti: Unified description of the Aharonov–Bohm effect in isotropic multiband electronic systems, Phys. Rev. Research (accepted for publication)
  2. Róbert Németh, Zoltán Kaufmann, József Cserti: Current distribution in magnetically confined 2DEG: semiclassical and quantum mechanical treatment, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 265301 (2021)