UNSOLVED PROBLEMS in Astrophysics and Cosmology 2018
Recommended hotels
We used these hotels in the past. Since we could not offer better prices than those available through well know travel websites - even with block reseervatiosn, these are simply "recommended hotels", representing a price-range, and are located relatively close to the venue.
Hotel Mercure Budapest Korona ****
Address: 14. Kecskemeti Street, BUDAPEST, H-1053
Phone: +36.1.486.8800
Fax: +36.1.318.3867
E-mail: H1765-sb1@accor.com
Address: 30-34. Tompa Street, BUDAPEST, H-1094
Phone: +36.1.477.7200 or +068.001.7889 (toll free)
Fax: +36.1.477.7272
E-mail: reservations.budapest@leonardo-hotels.com
Address: 152. Bartok Bela Street, BUDAPEST, H-1113
Phone: +
Fax: +
E-mail: reserve@hotelgriff.hunguesthotels.hu