UNSOLVED PROBLEMS in Astrophysics and Cosmology 2022

UNSOLVED PROBLEMS in Astrophysics and Cosmology 2022

UNSOLVED PROBLEMS in Astrophysics and Cosmology 2022 — Social Events / Soccer

 Conference Photo

Please click this link for a larger version! 

Opening Reception

We will have our opening reception at 4:30 PM the evening of Sunday, Dec. 3rd, in the Astro Seminar Room (room 201, Ross building, 2nd floor).  It will be an informal gathering lasting about an hour to meet other conference participants.

 Caving Expedition

Interested participants are welcome to attend a Wednesday evening excursion to the Khirbet Midras caves an hour southwest of Jerusalem, which offer a unique mixture of natural beauty and Roman-era archaeology.  Your tour will be guided by none other than our own local expert, Prof. Re'em Sari. Our tour bus will leave from the main entrance to campus (i.e. the gate at the northern end) at 4 PM promptly - do not be late. After a few hours at the caves, the bus will then take us to Re'em's house in the city of Modi'in where a catered dinner and drinks will be served. The bus will leave Modi'in at 11 PM and get back to Jerusalem shortly before midnight, stopping both at a light rail station and near the campus entrance.

 Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will be held at 7 PM on the night of Thursday, December 8th.  It is at "The Eucalyptus," a traditional Jerusalem restaurant located just beneath the walls of the Old City.  It is a short walk (about 10 minutes) from the "City Hall" stop on the Jerusalem light rail.

 Watching Soccer WC2022 Games

During previous workshops in Daejong and Budapest we have watched soccer games together. This is not an obligatory part of the meeting, but since the workshop again coincides with the Soccer World Cup in Qatar, we will organize the meeting so that talks end by 4:30pm local time. Those interested in watching soccer games together can congregate in the 2nd floor of the Ross building (see map on the "Venue" page), where the HUJI astro group works. A seminar room and a lounge will be available for World Cup viewings each night the games are on.

The round of 16 games will take place between the 3rd and the 6th of December, while the quarterfinals will be on the 9th and 10th of December (Match times are Qatar times in the chart below. Israel local times will be an hour earlier, i.e. 5pm and 9pm in December.)
