Information on thesis work
All administration concerning the thesis work must take place in the Neptun Education System.
The student may choose a topic after consulting with the supervisor.
In case of an external supervisor (not affiliated with the Institute of Physics and Astronomy) and internal consultant must be chosen. In the administration it is the internal consultant who is entitled to act.
Students should register for the "Thesis Tutorial I" and later for the "Thesis Tutorial II" subjects under the name of the head of the department of the supervisor (or internal consultant). The supervisor (or internal consultant) must make a proposal for the grade of the subject in an e-mail sent to the head of the department by the end of the first week of the examination period.
The thesis work rapporteur of the Institute is Gábor Horváth , who can be contacted for advice and assistance in choosing the topic and preparing the thesis.
Deadlines for choosing the topic
In case of a final examination in the spring semester:
- announcement of the topic (by the supervisor or the internal consultant): October 31
- selection of the topic (by the student): October 31
- approval of the topic (by the supervisor or the internal consultant): no later than one week after the selection.
In case of a final examination in the autumn semester:
- announcement of the topic (by the supervisor or the internal consultant): March 31
- selection of the topic (by the student): March 31
- approval of the topic (by the supervisor or the internal consultant): no later than one week after the selection.
Formal requirements
The expected length of the thesis is 40-80 pages, formally it should comply with the usual requirements of scientific papers. Adherence to these rules is controlled by the supervisor(s). The thesis can be written either in English or in Hungarian (only in English if the language of the MSc program is English).
A dissertation submitted to and presented at a Scientific Students' Associations (TDK) conference may be submitted as a thesis work if it otherwise meets the requirements for thesis works (the procedure is identical in all respects to that of other thesis works).
Submission deadline
In the spring semester: the last working day of May, 16:00
In the autumn semester: the second working day of January, 16:00
Submission requirements
- the thesis work must be submitted in pdf format by the deadline via the Neptun system (printing and binding is not necessary);
- the supervisor's assessment (review) must be uploaded by the supervisor (by the internal consultant in case of an external supervisor) via the Neptun system no later than one week after the submission deadline (it should not exceed a single page and should conclude with a recommendation for the grade of the dissertation).