Kristóf Petrovay (ELTE Department of Astronomy)
23. March 2023. 15:00 - 16:00
ELTE Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, 1.71 (Pócza lecture hall)
2023. March 23. 15:00 - 16:00
ELTE Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, 1.71 (Pócza lecture hall)
The Department of Astronomy: past, present, future
Abstract: On the occasion of the recent accession of the Department of Astronomy of ELTE to the Institute of Physics, which thereby acquired the new name Institute of Physics and Astronomy, this talk gives an overview of the broader context of this organizational change. Starting with an overview of the history of the Department of Astronomy starting in 1755, the current activities and projects of the department will be presented, followed by a brief discussion of prospects for the future of astronomy and space physics at our university.
About the lecturer: