Gubicza Jenő

Egyetemi tanár
PhD (ELTE, 1997)
Habilitált (ELTE, 2005)
az MTA doktora (2009)
Közvetlen telefon: +36-1-372-2876
Telefon: +36-1-372-2500 / 6516
E-mail: e-mail küldése
Research interests:
Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials
X-ray diffraction
Indentation techniques
Number of publications: 300
Number of independent citations: 5500
Hirsch-index from independent citations: 37
Book authorship:
1. J. Gubicza: Defect structure in nanomaterials, Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, ISBN: 978-0-85709-206-9 (2012)
2. J. Gubicza: X-ray line profile analysis in Materials Science, Publisher: IGI-Global, Hershey, PA, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4666-5852-3 (2014)
3. J. Gubicza: Defect Structure and Properties of Nanomaterials, 2nd and Extended Edition, Elsevier Science & Technology, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 9780081019177 (2017)
Schmid Rezso Prize of the Roland Eötvös Physical Society (2008)
Bolyai-plaquette of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2010)
Excellence Award of Rector of Eötvös Loránd University (2016)
Supervised scientific works: 6 defended PhD theses, 2 PhD works in progress, 2 defended BSc thesis, 11 defended MSc theses, 5 Student Scientific Research Works
Invited Professorship: Universite Paris Nord, France (2006, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Invited speaker in conferences:
1. 12th International Symposium on Novel and Nanomaterials (ISNNM-2012), August 26-30, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
2. The 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD-6), June 30 - July 4, 2014, Metz, France
3. 13th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHYSICS OF MATERIALS (ISPMA-13), August 31 Spetember 4, 2014 Prague
4. 6th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibition (APMAS-2016), 1-3 June 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
5. Panalytical workshop entitled Solutions for elemental and structural analysis. Quality without compromise, 4-5 October, 2016, Budapest, Hungary
6. ECerS2017, 15th Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Satellite Event 4: New Frontiers on Ceramic Characterisation Techniques, July 9-13, 2017, Budapest, Hungary
7. XXII Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Conference: Advanced Materials and Technologies (AMT 2019), June 912, 2019, Bukowina Tatrza?ska, Poland
Plenary speaker in conferences:
1. International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (IWAMN-2016), Hanoi, Vietnam, 3-5 November, 2016
2. 12th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced Materials (ICPMAT2017), Kosice, Slovakia, 6-9 August, 2017
3. FEMS Junior Euromat 2018, July 8-12, 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Membership in scientific organizations:
* Scholarly public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1998-)
* Roland Eötvös Physical Society (ELFT) (2004-)
* Committee member of Hungarian National Scientific Fund (2005-2008)
* Council of Faculty of Science at Eötvös Loránd University (2005-2006)
* Solid State Physics Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2008-)
* Chairman of the Diffraction Section of Roland Eötvös Physical Society (2010-2015)
* Scientific Committee, Hungarian Conferences on Materials Science (2010-2015)
* Council of Research and Large Instrument Center in Faculty of Science at Eötvös Loránd University (07.12.2011-06.12.2013.)
* Council of PhD School of Physics at Eötvös Loránd University (09.12.2013-)
* Core member in the PhD School of Physics at Eötvös Loránd University (2014-)
* Honorary Member in the Scientific Committee for Materials Science and Technology of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (01.30.2015-)
* Member of the Physics Habilitation Committee at Eötvös Loránd University (2016-)
* Member of the Nomination Committee of Nobel Prize in Phyics (2017)
* Head of PhD School of Physics at Eötvös Loránd University (2019-)
Journal editorial board membership:
Materials Science and Engineering A (Elsevier, 2015-)
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca (Technical University of Kosice, 2017-)
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (Hindawi, Academic Editor, 2018-)
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (Technology Center, 2018-)
Heliyon (Elsevier, 2018-2019)
Activity in PhD, Dr.habil, DSc, Assoc. Prof. and Prof. qualification processes:
65 occasions as a reviewer or committee member
Tudományos adatbázis profilok linkjei
Publikációi az MTMT-ben
Publikációi az ORCID-ben
Publikációi az ResearcherID-n
Publikációi az Google Scholar-ban
Válogatott publikációk az utóbbi évekből
- J. Gubicza, Z. Hegedűs, J.L. Lábár, A. Kauffmann, J. Freudenberger, V. Subramanya Sarma: Solute redistribution during annealing of a cold rolled Cu–Ag alloy, J. Alloys Compd. 623 (2015) 96-103.
- J. Gubicza, M. El-Tahawy, Y. Huang, H. Choi, H. Choe, J.L. Lábár, T.G. Langdon: Microstructure, phase composition and hardness evolution in 316L stainless steel processed by high-pressure torsion, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 657 (2016) 215-223.
- J. Gubicza, L. Farbaniec, G. Csiszár, T. Sadat, H. Couque, G. Dirras: Microstructure and strength of nickel subjected to large plastic deformation at very high strain rate, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 662 (2016) 9-15.
- P. Jenei, H. Choi, A. Tóth, H. Choe, J. Gubicza: Mechanical behavior and microstructure of compressed Ti foams synthesized via freeze casting, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 63 (2016) 407–416.
- M. El-Tahawy, Y. Huang, H. Choi, H. Choe, J.L. Lábár, T.G. Langdon, J. Gubicza: High temperature thermal stability of nanocrystalline microstructure in 316L stainless steel processed by high-pressure torsion, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 682 (2017) 323-331.
- G. Kapoor, Y. Huang, V. Subramanya Sarma, T.G. Langdon, J. Gubicza: Effect of Mo addition on the microstructure and hardness of ultrafine-grained Ni alloys processed by a combination of cryorolling and high-pressure torsion, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 688 (2017) 92-100.
- A. Heczel, M. Kawasaki, J.L. Lábár, J.-il Jang, T.G. Langdon, J. Gubicza: Defect structure and hardness in nanocrystalline CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy processed by High-Pressure Torsion, J. Alloys and Compounds 711 (2017) 143-154.
- J. Gubicza: Defect Structure and Properties of Nanomaterials, 2nd and Extended Edition, Woodhead Publishing, an imprint of Elsevier, Duxford, UK, ISBN: 9780081019177 (2017).
- J. Gubicza, P. Jenei, K. Nam, Cs. Kádár, H. Jo, H. Choe: Compressive behavior of Cu-Ni alloy foams: effects of grain size, porosity, pore directionality and chemical composition, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 725 (2018) 160–170.
- J. Gubicza, P.H.R. Pereira, G. Kapoor, Y. Huang, V. Subramanya Sarma, T.G. Langdon: Annealing-induced Hardening in Ultrafine-grained Ni-Mo Alloys, Adv. Eng. Mater. 20 (2018) 1800184.