Széchenyi Gábor

egyetemi adjunktus
PhD (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, 2017)
Szoba: Északi tömb 5.72
Telefon: n.a.
Mellék: +36-1-372-2500 / 6509
Mobilszám: n.a.
Emailcím: uh.etle.raseac@akscezs
Telefon: n.a.
Mellék: +36-1-372-2500 / 6509
Mobilszám: n.a.
Emailcím: uh.etle.raseac@akscezs
Research interests:optical properties of graphene like systems
quantum bits in solid states (carbon nanotubes and silicon-based materials)
topological materials
Research group
2017- EQUUS Eötvös Quantum Transport Group membership
Teaching experience:
2011- : Electromagnetism tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2013- : Solid-state physics tutorial, (Physics M.Sc.)
2014- : Optics tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2015- : Solid-state physics course (Materials Science M.Sc.)
2015-2017: Mechanics tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2016- : Thermodynamics tutorial (Physics B.Sc.)
2017-2018: Physics II. tutorial (Earth Sciences B.Sc.)
Identifying and developing talents in physics:
2016-2019: Preparing students for (International Young Physicists’ Tournament) IYPT
2017: Leading training camp for the International Physics Olympiad IPhO
Tudományos adatbázisok profiloldalai:
- Publikációs lista: MTMT2
- Publikációs lista: ORCID
- Publikációs lista: ResearcherID
- Publikációs lista: Scopus
- Publikációs lista: Google Scholar
Az utolsó 5 év válogatott közleményei:
- G. Széchenyi, L. Chirolli, A. Pályi, Impurity-assisted electric control of spin-valley qubits in monolayer MoS2, 2D Mater. 5, 035004 (2018)
- G. Szechenyi and A. Palyi, Maximal Rabi frequency of an electrically driven spin in a disordered magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 89, 115409 (2014)
- G. Szechenyi, M. Vigh, A. Kormanyos, J. Cserti, Transfer matrix approach for the Kerr and Faraday rotation in layered nanostructures, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Volume 28, Number 37 (2016)
- P. Boross, G. Szechenyi, D. Culcer and A. Palyi, Control of valley dynamics in silicon quantum dots in the presence of an interface step, Phys. Rev. B 94, 035438 (2016)