Glöckler, Oszvald (International Atomic Energy Agency):
2019. március 14. 15:00 - 16:00
ELTE Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, 0.81 (Ortvay lecture hall)
2019. március 14. 15:00 - 16:00
ELTE Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, 0.81 (Ortvay lecture hall)
Where only the neutrons are fast - the International Nuclear Sector
Az előadás kivonata: The presentation will serve as a platform for discussion on various issues important to nuclear power plant (NPP) projects, including possible pathways for countries embarking on new built NPP projects or expanding their NPP fleet. A worldwide survey of the current status of NPP projects will also be presented. Further details on nuclear education will be discussed.
Az előadóról: Linkedin profil