Groma István

Groma István

Egyetemi tanár

PhD (Budapest, 1989)
Habilitált (Budapest, 2004)
az MTA doktora (2005)

Anyagfizikai Tanszék

Szoba: 4.69
Közvetlen telefon: +36-1-372-2802
Telefon: +36-1-372-2500 / 6402
E-mail: e-mail küldése



    • 2011- 17 Director of the Institute of Physics, Eötvös University
    • 2008- Head of the Dep. of Materials Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
    • 2005-  Full  professor at the Dept. of Materials Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
    • 1996- 2005  Associate professor at the Dept. of Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
    • 1989-1996    Assistant professor at the Dept. of Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
    • 1980-1989  Teaching Assistant  at the Dept. of Physics, Eötvös University Budapest

    • X ray line profile analysis
    • Collective dynamics of dislocations
    • Dislocation dynamics simulations
    • Continuum theory of dislocations
    • Statistical properties of dislocations


Tudományos adatbázis profilok linkjei

  • Publikációi az MTMT-ben
  • Publikációi a(z) ORCID-n

Válogatott publikációk az utóbbi évekből

  1. Sz. Kalácska, Z. Dankházi and I. Groma: Systematic study of structural changes in the vicinity of indentation marks with HR-EBSD, Materials Science and Engineering 426 (2018) 012022
  2. I. Groma, Z. Vandrus és P. D. Ispánovity, Scale-free phase field theory of dislocations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 015503 (2015)
  3. P. D. Ispánovity, Á. Hegyi, I. Groma, G. Györgyi, K. Ratter és D. Weygand, Average yielding and weakest link statistics in micron-scale plasticity, Acta Mater. 61, 6234 (2013)
  4. I. Groma, M. Zaiser és P. D. Ispanovity, Dislocation patterning in a two-dimensional continuum theory of dislocations, Phys. Rev. B 93, 214110 (2016)
  5. P. D. Ispánovity, D. Tüzes, P. Szabó, M. Zaiser és István Groma, The role of weakest links and system size scaling in multiscale modeling of stochastic plasticity, Phys. Rev. B 95, 054108 (2017)
  6. D. Tüzes, M. Zaiser és P. D. Ispánovity, Disorder is good for you: The influence of local disorder on strain localization and ductility of strain softening materials, Int. J. Fract. 205, 139 (2017)
  7. Á. Hegyi, P. D. Ispánovity, M. Knapek, D. Tüzes, K. Máthis, F. Chmelík, Z. Dankházi, G. Varga és I. Groma, Micron-scale deformation: a coupled in-situ study of strain bursts and acoustic emission, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23, 1076 (2017)
  8. Sz. Kalácska, I. Groma, A. Borbély és P. D. Ispánovity, Comparison of the dislocation density obtained by HR-EBSD and X-ray profile analysis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 091912 (2017)
  9. P. Szabó, P. D. Ispánovity és I. Groma, Plastic strain is a mixture of avalanches and quasireversible deformations: Study of various sizes, Phys. Rev. B 91, 054106 (2015)
  10. I. Groma, D. Tüzes és P. D. Ispánovity, Asymmetric X-ray line broadening caused by dislocation polarization induced by external load, Scripta Mater. 68, 755 (2013)