Groma István
Egyetemi tanár
PhD (Budapest, 1989)
Habilitált (Budapest, 2004)
az MTA doktora (2005)
• 2011- 17 Director of the Institute of Physics, Eötvös University
• 2008- Head of the Dep. of Materials Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
• 2005- Full professor at the Dept. of Materials Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
• 1996- 2005 Associate professor at the Dept. of Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
• 1989-1996 Assistant professor at the Dept. of Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
• 1980-1989 Teaching Assistant at the Dept. of Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
• X ray line profile analysis
• Collective dynamics of dislocations
• Dislocation dynamics simulations
• Continuum theory of dislocations
• Statistical properties of dislocations
Tudományos adatbázis profilok linkjei
Válogatott publikációk az utóbbi évekből
- Sz. Kalácska, Z. Dankházi and I. Groma: Systematic study of structural changes in the vicinity of indentation marks with HR-EBSD, Materials Science and Engineering 426 (2018) 012022
- I. Groma, Z. Vandrus és P. D. Ispánovity, Scale-free phase field theory of dislocations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 015503 (2015)
- P. D. Ispánovity, Á. Hegyi, I. Groma, G. Györgyi, K. Ratter és D. Weygand, Average yielding and weakest link statistics in micron-scale plasticity, Acta Mater. 61, 6234 (2013)
- I. Groma, M. Zaiser és P. D. Ispanovity, Dislocation patterning in a two-dimensional continuum theory of dislocations, Phys. Rev. B 93, 214110 (2016)
- P. D. Ispánovity, D. Tüzes, P. Szabó, M. Zaiser és István Groma, The role of weakest links and system size scaling in multiscale modeling of stochastic plasticity, Phys. Rev. B 95, 054108 (2017)
- D. Tüzes, M. Zaiser és P. D. Ispánovity, Disorder is good for you: The influence of local disorder on strain localization and ductility of strain softening materials, Int. J. Fract. 205, 139 (2017)
- Á. Hegyi, P. D. Ispánovity, M. Knapek, D. Tüzes, K. Máthis, F. Chmelík, Z. Dankházi, G. Varga és I. Groma, Micron-scale deformation: a coupled in-situ study of strain bursts and acoustic emission, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23, 1076 (2017)
- Sz. Kalácska, I. Groma, A. Borbély és P. D. Ispánovity, Comparison of the dislocation density obtained by HR-EBSD and X-ray profile analysis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 091912 (2017)
- P. Szabó, P. D. Ispánovity és I. Groma, Plastic strain is a mixture of avalanches and quasireversible deformations: Study of various sizes, Phys. Rev. B 91, 054106 (2015)
- I. Groma, D. Tüzes és P. D. Ispánovity, Asymmetric X-ray line broadening caused by dislocation polarization induced by external load, Scripta Mater. 68, 755 (2013)