Homor Marietta Magdolna

Homor Marietta Magdolna


Témavezető: Antal Jakovác, (2021)

Atomfizikai Tanszék

Szoba: Északi tömb 3.81
Mellék: +36-1-372-2500 / 6359
Emailcím: uh.etle.raseac@mmromoh


My main interest is in computer simulations for scientific purposes, mainly in particle physics. This includes studying numerical methods and algorithms, implementing simulations in c++, data analysis (using script languages and common tools like gnuplot etc), comparing results to the literature, researching the theoretical consequences.
2014 - MSc degree as a theoretical physicist in Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2017 - Absolved studies at ELTE TTK doctoral school of physics
Present - PhD candidate.

Tudományos adatbázisok profiloldalai:

Az utolsó 5 év válogatott közleményei:

  1. M.M.Homor and A.Jakovac "Particle yields from numerical simulations" Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.7, 074504, DOI
  2. M.M.Homor and A.Jakovac "Shear viscosity of the $\Phi^4$ theory from classical" Phys. Rev. D92 (2014) no.10, 105011, DOI
  3. M.M.Homor and A.Jakovac "Thermalisation properties of various field theories" PoS LATTICE2016 (2016) 093, DOI