The Institute of Physics at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest is expanding its astro- and particle physics research program. The Department of Atomic Physics invites applications for a position of PROFESSOR IN PHYSICS. Preference will be given to applicants who propose to start a research group in an experiment our institute is not yet a member of, for example in a neutrino or dark matter experiment, however applications from outstanding candidates in all areas of particle physics will be considered.
ELTE is the leading national university for subatomic physics in Hungary. The campus is centrally located along the Buda side of the river Danube. The main research focus of the Department is particle and nuclear physics, astro-particle physics and astrophysics. Our University is a member of several large international collaborations, including CMS, LIGO, LSST, NUSTAR, Pan-STARRS, PHENIX and STAR.
The level of the position (tenure-track assistant, tenured associate or full professor) will be decided according to the experience of the candidate.
The candidate is expected to start a new research group (preferably in a collaboration our institute is not yet a member of, including but not restricted to a neutrino or dark matter experiment). The candidates shall present a strong track record in research, teaching and grant applications, as well as an established presence in their proposed research area.
Teaching opportunities and duties will include lectures to master and PhD students. The MSc and PhD programs are entirely in English, with many international students.
The candidate will be employed by Eötvös Loránd University, with a competitive annual gross salary. Funds will be provided to employ new postdoctoral researchers and graduate students, as well as to cover expenses related to the foundation and operation of the new group (for example, entrance fee to the proposed experimental collaboration). The conditions of employment (office space and research infrastructure) are excellent and include travel funds.
The position is available immediately, the start date is negotiable.
All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply via A curriculum vitae including important conference presentations and research grants, a list of selected publications and a public link to the full list, a description of research interests and plans as well as an estimate of the required research funds need to be submitted. The contact details of at least three supporters who can provide reference on the applicant is also required, however letters will only be requested on short listed candidates. Full consideration will be given to candidates whose application is received by 20 January, 2020. Further information on this position can be obtained and
Women and members of minority groups underrepresented in the academic sector are especially encouraged to apply.