León Coello, Moisés

León Coello, Moisés

posztdoktori kutató

Témavezető: Dr. Pásztor Gabriella

PhD (Universidad de Sonora, Mexikó, 2024)

Atomfizikai Tanszék
MTA-ELTE Lendület CMS Részecske- és Magfizikai Kutatócsoport

Emailcím: hc.nrec@olleoc.noel.divad.sesiom


I am Moisés David León Coello, a particle physicist member of CMS experiment. I am interested in collective phenomena in high energy physics, as well as physics beyond the standard model. Previously I was a PhD student at Universidad de Sonora in Mexico. My main skills include data analysis and programming in various languages. I worked as a developer in domotics during 2018. In parallel, I was a physics teacher in Universidad Simon Bolivar in Venezuela. I also worked as a freelancer android developer during 2017.

Tudományos adatbázisok profiloldalai:

Az utolsó 5 év válogatott közleményei:

  1. Dependence of two-particle azimuthal correlations on the forward rapidity gap in pPb collisions at 8.16 TeV (CMS-PAS-HIN-22-004)
  2. The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Beam Radiation, Instrumentation, and Luminosity Detectors Technical Design Report, 2021-07-01, CERN-LHCC-2021-008 CMS-TDR-023