Bokányi Eszter

Bokányi Eszter


Témavezető: Gábor Vattay, (2019)

Komplex Rendszerek Fizikája Tanszék

Szoba: Északi tömb E5.57
Telefon: n.a.
Mellék: n.a.
Mobilszám: n.a.
Emailcím: uh.etle.xelpmoc@iynakob


Eszter Bokányi is currently a PhD student at the Department of Physics of Complex Systems at ELTE, and a Junior Research Fellow at the CERS ANET Lendület Research Group. Her main research interest is studying how social
phenomena can be captured through statistical physical methods by using various digital fingerprints of individuals.

Tudományos adatbázisok profiloldalai:

Az utolsó 5 év válogatott közleményei:

  1. Bokányi, E., Kondor, D., & Vattay, G. (2019). Scaling in words on Twitter. Royal Society Open Science, 6(10), 190027. link
  2. Bokányi E., Kallus, Zs. & Gódor, I. “Collective Sensing of EvolvingUrban Structures: from Activity-based to Content-Aware Social Monitoring”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2399808319848760 (2019)
  3. Bokányi, E., Szállási, Z. & Vattay, G. “Universal scaling laws in metro area election results”. PLOS ONE (ed Braha, D.) e0192913 (2018)
  4. Bokányi, E., Lábszki, Z. & Vattay, G. “Prediction of employment and unemployment rates from Twitter daily rhythms in the US”. European Physical Journal Data Science 6, (1)14 (2017)
  5. Bokányi, E., Kondor, D., Dobos, L., Sebők, T., Stéger, J., Csabai, I.& Vattay, G. “Race, religion and the city: Twitter word frequency patterns reveal dominant demographic dimensions in the United States”. Palgrave Communications 2,16010 (2016)