Tagawa, Hiromichi
posztdoktori kutató (2017-2020)
Témavezető: Bence KocsisPhD (Tokyo University, Tokyo, 2017)
Atomfizikai Tanszék
Mellék: +36-1-372-2500 / 6369
Mobilszám: +36-70-255-1217
Emailcím: uh.etle.raseac@awagath
My research interests include stellar dynamics, the astrophysical origin of gravitational wave events, and the formation of supermassive black holes.Tudományos adatbázisok profiloldalai:
Az utolsó 5 év válogatott közleményei:
- H. Tagawa, Z. Haiman, B. Kocsis, Making a supermassive star by stellar bombardment, arXiv: 1909.10517
- H. Tagawa, T. Saitoh, B. Kocsis, Compact Object Mergers Driven by Gas Fallback, PRL, 120, 261101 (2018)
- H. Tagawa, M. Umemura, Merger of Multiple Accreting Black Holes Concordant with Gravitational-wave Events, ApJ, 856, 47 (2018)
- H. Tagawa, M. Umemura, N. Gouda, Mergers of accreting stellar-mass black holes, MNRAS, 462, 3812 (2016)
- H. Tagawa, M. Umemura, N. Gouda, T. Yano, Y. Yamai, Early cosmic merger of multiple black holes, MNRAS, 451, 2174 (2015)
- K. Hattori, N. Gouda, H. Tagawa, N. Sakai, T. Yano, J. Baba, J. Kumamoto, Metallicity dependence of the Hercules stream in Gaia/RAVE data - explanation by non-closed orbits, MNRAS, 484, 4540 (2019)
- A. Rasskazov, G. Fragione, N. W. C. Leigh, H. Tagawa, A. Sesana, A. Price-Whelan, E. M. Rossi, Hypervelocity Stars from a Supermassive Black Hole─Intermediate-mass Black Hole Binary, ApJ, 878, 17 (2019)