Demeter Márton Csaba

Demeter Márton Csaba


Témavezető: Szöllősi Gergely János, Derényi Imre, (2022)

Biológiai Fizika Tanszék
MTA-ELTE Evolutionary Genomics Research Group

Szoba: Északi tömb 3.135
Mellék: +36-1-372-2500 / 6371
Mobilszám: +06-20-494-2596
Emailcím: uh.etle.raseac@datnep


Since I started to write my BSc. thesis, I had the opportunity to join to Imre Derényi and Gergely J. Szöllősi's group, where we studying the role of hierarchical differentiation in the context of minimizing somatic selection. Now I work here as a PhD student.

  • aug- 26-29, 2019 MBFT XXVI. Congress of the Hungarian Biophysicist society - with poster
  • july 16-19, 2019 ISEEC, Hinxton - poster presentation + lightning talk
  • feb. 9-15, 2019 GRC and GRS USA,Texas - with poster
  • jul 16-20,2018 ICMS2018 Edinborgh - with poster
  • jul,2018 SMBE2018 Yokohama - selected for poster presentation (de ide nem mentem el mert 1 helyel lemaradtam a bursaryról)
  • may.19,2018 RBC2018 Zrece - with poster presentation
  • may 10, 2018 EötvösDay 2018 - with poster (Best poster award)
  • march 8,2018 EVOLBIOLDAY - oral presentation
  • dec 19,2017 - Regional Student conference - oral presentation (II. place and Morgan Stanley price)
  • aug 22-25,2017 MBFT XXVI. Congress of the Hungarian Biophysicist society - with poster (Best theoretical poster award)

profession related: population dynamics, statistical physics, programming, cancer evolution, photosynthesis, deep learning.
personal: family life, music production, sports, philosophy, mountain biking, art films

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